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Talking about Gaming the Irish Way!

Dec 26, 2018

This week's hosts: Liam, Savage, and Shiv.
This week, the party discuss their predictions for what we will see in the world of gaming during 2019

Show notes:
00:44 - Inviting angry future emails
00:55 - Inviting angry present emails
01:20 - Shiv steps up to the plate
02:02 - Brass... Degree in economics required
02:56 -...

Dec 19, 2018

This week's hosts: Seán, Shane, Mick, Mary and Shiv

This week, the party get into the festive spirit with our annual Secret Santa.

  • 01:30 - Secret Santa rules - Recycle unused games or buy something of nominal value €10. Don't give something you wouldn't be happy to receive.
  • 02:50 - Dice game rules: Roll 6 dice...

Dec 13, 2018

This week's hosts: Seán, Shane, Mick, Mary and Shiv

This week, the party discuss women in gaming.

  • 01:35 - Observation: Few women playing cardgames
  • 02:50 - Careful Mick, the L5R community can be pretty passionate 
  • 04:32 - Critical mass needed?
  • 05:40 - I think they mean Minority Stress 

Dec 5, 2018

This week's hosts: Liam, Shane, and Seán
This week, the party talk about experience, in various forms.

00:43 - Experience Points. EXP/XP.
01:20 - Doling out XP in D&D. Less control in a story?
02:11 - Not always a story. Also many kinds of XP!
03:06 - Rather than just accumulating to level, sometimes you spend XP to...

Nov 28, 2018

This week's hosts: Liam, Shane and Seán

This week, the party discuss the new Fantasy Flight Games Unique card game, Keyforge: Call of the Archons.

Show notes: