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Talking about Gaming the Irish Way!

Apr 27, 2023

Episode 742

This week's hosts - Liam, Dave & Warlord Scarr

Editor - SavageMick

Please check your coat, bag, rocket launcher, and claymore at the door. This week the Party empty their pockets and talk about how to get your players to check out of combat and check in...

Apr 21, 2023

The Adventuring Party - Episode 743

This week's hosts: Scarr and Dave

Editor – Shane

Are we in the Forgotten Realms or the Extensively Novelised Realms? Can we replace Nyarlathotep with the Weasel God from Jimmy’s backstory? The Party discuss when to use lore and when to throw your own input into a...

Apr 13, 2023

Episode 742

This week's hosts - Bill, Jude, Colin & Savage Mick

Editor - SavageMick

Some old friends and adventurers sit down to discuss the new Dungeons and Dragons movie and take a trip down memory lane. Is this an early start to block-buster season, counter-spelled on arrival, or trading on nostalgia? 

We go long on...

Apr 7, 2023

Episode 741

This week's hosts - The Warlord Scarr, & Savage Mick

Editor - SavageMick

The walls are closing in as we finally delve into the treasure troves of Artifacts and Relics in this week's Tome of Gygax episode!


We have a Discord Server and it...