May 6, 2020
This week's hosts: Eoin, Savage and Shane
This week, the party discuss NPCs in RPGs, and why they just can’t get any danged respect.
Show notes:
01:45: Starting off with some shocking truths
03:00: Eoin starts by blaming bad players
04:00: We’re already on the flipside: The NPC who gets too much
attention. Efficient podcasting like this is how we win awards.
04:50: Eoin continues by blaming the GMs
06:30: Clearly the problem is lack of information. Keep the players informed and surely they’ll react properly
10:00: Episode on Risk is recorded and will be coming your way soon!
11:50: Editting your NPCs to suit what your players think about them
13:45: Use multiple lesser NPCs instead of relying on a few super-realised ones
15:10: Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master. Mike ‘Sly Flourish’ Shea is a font of advice for Gms, well worth checking out his website and his books
16:30: Show, Don’t Tell how the NPCs should relate to the party
20:00: “You must rap battle for the right to save our lives!”
22:05: Advice straight from the Codex Astartes, probably
22:50: Murderhobos as the consequence of NPCs not getting on the players’ side
23:50: Respect is a two-way street
27:15: Possible future topic? Let us know if you want to hear us talk Motivation
30:00: The mechanics of disrespect
30:45: Some people want to be dragons, Mick. Has the internet taught you nothing?
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