Apr 12, 2017
This week's hosts: Liam, Seán and Stu.
This week, the party discuss the board game Mysterium!
00:41 - Mysterium! Dixit meets Cluedo!
00:50 - Ghostly co-op
02:25 - Ghostly visions and images.
03:00 - A diverse group of investigators to choose from.
05:25 - We lay out a bunch of pictures, places and things.
06:00 - The ghost picks one picture, place, and thing to be the
crime for each player.
09:54 - Time to listen to the ghosts whispers and visions.
12:24 - The Passive Agressive Sand-Timer
12:52 - Cluedo/Clue?
17:20 - Get your numbers right! Pro-Tip
17:29 - Fixing the layout...
25:13 - Thematic Crimes
26:08 - Preparing the End Game
27:10 - There were four investigators all along!
28:10 - Now we decide who to pin it on.