May 13, 2020
This week's hosts: Shiv, Savage and Shane
This week, the party discuss the Medieval period, and how it was more interesting that it's usually given credit for.
Show notes:
00:45: ‘A Hector of Grain’
01:13: ‘The well from which we mine the mind-silver of our generic fantasy’ - Truly, the world was spared when I decided not to become a speechwriter
02:25: Shiv starts us off with Demographics and Population Density
04:04: Dublinia, a spot that’s well worth a visit if you’re in Dublin and there’s no quarantine
05:58: Savage gets us back to what we should be doing: Blaming the English
09:30: Travel – People did do it
11:30: Regional Economics
11:55: Homogeneity – Mostly just a myth
13:14: ‘Lancelot is meant to be French’d’
13:26: Palamedes, the Token Black Guy of Arthurian Myth
14:18: ‘Muck-raking seraph’
15:50: Differing levels of worldliness depending on where you are
18:00: Issues of Land Ownership and Trespassing
19:00: The peasants might not be ignorant but they were revolting
19:57: Lack of liquid currency, reliance on barter and trade goods
22:02: Turns out the solution was on your character sheet. Checkmate, OSRists
22:30: Medieval Industry
23:20: Magenta – A Lie made up by Satan
24:35: Landsknechts
25:30: Fairs and Celebrations
27:00: Acceptable Breaks from Medieval Reality
28:33: Feudal Scifi like Dune and Warhammer 40000
29:22: Someone in town probably knows your language and can read your letter
30:15: There’s some flavour to throw into your Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign
32:!5: If I could walk with the manticores, talk with the manticores, claw and bite and sting with the manticores....
33:41: The ‘Medieval Mindset’
34:37: Our well-timed and extremely tasteful episode on Plague
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