Jul 29, 2022
The Adventuring Party - Episode 707
This week's hosts: Dave, Scarr, Mick and Eoin
Editor – Scarr
This week, The Party goes to the Movies, as we reminisce about the D&D Movie Franchise, and how its led to Captain Kirk in Guardians of The Galaxy.
Things mentioned in this episode:
Dungeons and Dragons 2: Wrath of the Dragon God/The Elemental Might
Dungeons and Dragons 3: Book of Vile Darkness
Dungeons and Dragons 4: Honor Among Theives
A Druid Subclass specifically designed to make you an Owlbear
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The hosts can be contacted by good old email at party@theadventuringparty.net
The Adventuring Party is released under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share-Alike version 3 licence [ https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ie/ ].