Jul 24, 2019
Episode 550
This week's hosts: Liam, Eoin and Shane
This week the party pull apart all the different ways that games
can break down. What do you do when the mechanics are on the fritz
and the systems are short-circuiting? What are the common
game-breakers and how do you spot them? Let's listen to the party
suck their teeth and estimate the high costs of broken games right
Show notes:
01:30 - Action Economy!
12.:00 Save or Suck!!
22:50 - Everyone, Get In Here!!!
32:00 The Multiplier!!!!
???? - Stay tuned for a special preview of Game-Breakers Part
If you've run into any game-breaking mechanics and would like to
share your thoughts send an email to party@theadventuringparty.net The only thing we
like more than strongly held opinons is VOLUME!
You can leave comments below or on twitter through @adventuringpty
The hosts can be contacted by email at party@theadventuringparty.net
The Adventuring Party is released under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial
Share-Alike version 3 licence.
Cinematic Horn #2 (Epic Trailer Sound Effect) from SoundEffectsFactory used under a Creative Commons 0 Licence. (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)