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Talking about Gaming the Irish Way!

Sep 22, 2024

This week's hosts - Hida-O-Win, Dave & Scarr
Editor - SavageMick

"We begin bombing in five minutes"
Ronald Regan

Sometimes you are handed the scenario, sometimes you wrote it, sometimes it's a one-off, sometimes it's your weekly game. But the question is always the same...

Are you running with notes or running from them...


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We are on Spotify? Yup, you can listen to us over there too! [ ]

Twitter! Follow us on twitter  [ @adventuringpty ]. Will we follow you back? Maybe!

The hosts can be contacted by good old email at


The Adventuring Party is released under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share-Alike version 3 licence [ ].

Title Card - Prep Sweats - Savage Diffusion