This week the party are challenged by a listener to take on
death itself, the topic, not the scythe wielding, binky riding
avatar of lifes end.
Show Notes:
00:37 Yeah Sean, you don't need an "and"
01:01 We fail completely for the rest of the episode to
actually deal with the question asked about PLAYER death.
03:40 Makes for a great mental image though doesn't it? A whole
adventuring party clinging to one log floating downstream.
07:45 Game of Thrones early spoiler (Book 1/Season 1)
08:22 Oh will we not? See above Sean, see above...
10:55 This is not a metaphor, we were literally scattered in
the wind as we fell from a few hundred feet up. God bless feather
14:13 All good paladins share this dream
14:31 Ooh good question
21:40 This actually happened more or less, except the druid
didnt fall so much as beast shape into a tiny creature, scamper
down a small tunnel into a troll lair where the rest of the party
had to listen to his death with the power to do nothing about
it..... good times.
22:13 I think we might actually get on topic at this point
23:39 Quote of the Episode "I was considering taking a vow of
poverty anyway.... no time like the present"
28:03 Former/Fellow/Occassional/Geographically-Challenged Hosts
are more common than you would think.