Feb 19, 2020
Episode 579
This week's hosts: Shane & Savage.
This week Shane and Savage chew the d12s and ruminate on the various recent goings-on in the world of tabletop gaming as well as some wild speculation about non-tabletop gaming and the increasingly blurry line between the two.
The Adventuring Party is eager to hear from listeners about your thoughts on the topics we have been discussing. We are always on the lookout for new and interesting games to check out or events that we may have missed in the wide world of gaming. We read every message sent and want to know what you think of the show. Drop us a line to let us know how we are doing and what you want to hear more of in the coming weeks.
We are always on the hunt for fresh hosts. Now that we have started to explore the use of Hangouts to make recording the show possible, even when we cannot all get around the same table, the opportunities to join us on the show and have your say are more plentiful than ever. Get in touch if you want to add your voice to the party
Find us on Facebook here.
You can leave comments below or on twitter through @adventuringpty
The hosts can be contacted by email at party@theadventuringparty.net
The Adventuring Party is released under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share-Alike version 3 licence.