Mar 17, 2009
Paddy's Day: For the day that's in it, The Adventuring Party break out the potions of charisma and get down to hashing out what exactly it is they talk about in the first place - the Irish gaming scene. This recording required wild guesses about how things might be different elsewhere; it's not easy being green.
Thanks. It would be helpful if the blurb said, Brand New Lrp for ireland. I have loads of kit, having been to the L.T, P.D. and Eos.
BTW you mentioned LRP and LARP. LRP is what the hobby was called in the U.K. LARP was what it was called in the U.S. In Britain the \'action\' word is considered redundant. There is a long thread about it on the rule7 forum buried in the muggers ally section.
If any irish game organisers wish to comment here please do.
You should post a link to the vaticon site.
Any more info on the new irish lrp. What day is the event on at vaticon? Will rules or background be available before hand.
Oh crap! Sorry, Vaticon! Sometimes a few things slip by me (I also found another thing that sounds a bit rude that I\'d missed).
I\'ll see if Oisín has more info on the system. We\'ve got a Vaticon preview episode coming up in the week running up to the con.
I don\'t know the details of the system, but I\'ll be speaking to Conan Daly, the system\'s writer tomorrow, so I should be able to find out details then. In the mean time, here\'s the blurb lifted straight from the Vaticon website.
Into the Shadowed Vortex - A Customised LRP by Conan Daly
A shadow has fallen across the land. The natural magic of the four Elements has been corrupted by the Shadowlord, and now his followers wield this fel energy to devastate the villages of your clansmen. You, as the mightiest warriors of your clans, must band together to strike at the source of the Shadowlord\'s power. With your martial skills, and the pure magics of earth, air, fire and water, you must purge this blight from the land.
I\'ve spoken to Conan, and he says the details are still being ironed out, but if you come to the con you can be there for the big unveiling. From previous conversations, elemental imagery seems to be a strong theme. Rules summaries and character backgrounds will be available on the day in standard con-larp style. Hopefully this will act as a springboard for more events over the summer.
Loved the episode, guys. I am always curious about gaming in other cultures and you did a good job of presenting a general outlook of the Irish scene. There are certainly differences to the American one, though I found it interesting that it has a lot in common with the scene in Puerto Rico, where I\'m originally from. Maybe the fact that they\'re both islands helps shape them so?
Keep up the good work on the show. If you get around to listening to the show I did on Ireland, I\'d LOVE your feedback as natives.
And if our plans continue as we\'d like them to, my wife and I will be going back to your shores in a couple years.
Tóg go bog é.
You\'re probably right about size and a certain degree of geographical isolation causing the communities to turn out the way they have. I\'d be interested to see how it works in other places; I haven\'t been really involved with gaming scenes anywhere else in the world on a scale greater than local clubs and such.
I listened to your Ireland show ages ago, but will give it another listen if I get the time. It\'s worth bearing in mind of course that as natives we\'ve probably done next to no touristing so might not be familiar with the sites you visited. You know how it is. :)
No doubt as a wealthy games industrialist you\'ll be residing in only the most opulent of swanky hotels, but the couch offer is open anyway if you do make it back here!
Thanks again for organising the carnivale, I\'m glad it got such a good turn-out. For anyone else reading this who\'s interested, the results are here.
When I visit, I shall use my game industrialist wealth to rent a whole county which we shall rename County Gamer during the time and we shall have non-stop gaming and Guinness with every gamer in Ireland. Yeah. :-)
We\'ll talk more.
I for one think that there needs to be a con road-trip, where two cars worth of Irish gamers try and hit as many cons in as many countries as possible over a weekend or two.