Dec 26, 2018
This week's hosts: Liam, Savage, and Shiv.
This week, the party discuss their predictions for what we will see
in the world of gaming during 2019
Show notes:
00:44 - Inviting angry future emails
00:55 - Inviting angry present emails
01:20 - Shiv steps up to the plate
02:02 - Brass...
Degree in economics required
02:56 - Shiv knows that if she can't get a hold of a game... it
must be good
03:41 - Kickstarter exclusives for board games
04:21 -
Tak Roll out board example
04:53 - Gloomhaven... is it
even in print bro?
05:35 - How to pick a board game.... trust our reviews?
06:30 - The siege wall of monopoly
07:23 - Shiv's prediction "People will continue to be wrong."
08:24 - The son of the bride of the return of the kickstarter board
game version 2
08:38 - Tesco are selling pandemic!! (well... not currently, but
they do stock
board games)
10:20 - Financial analysis and corporate governance commentary from
The Adventuring Party
12:10 - Description by comparison
12:42 - Quote of the episode "My general rambling was nice, why do
I have to be concise about it?"
15:00 - Moving on to roleplaying
15:30 -
D&D Core Rules Gift Set limited edition, only in gaming
17:00 - Liam's preditiction RPG's are going to continue to
17:43 - Liam retracts his Who-Ha
19:10 - Savage makes promises that I have to fulfill
19:15 -
Charnel Houses of Europe: The Shoah
20:34 - Secret Hitler...
not much criticism
21:45 - Savage prediction - "Rpg's are gonna get more
24:08 - Savage steers us away from a health services nomenclature
25:20 - Pathfinder
26:22 - Blades in the
Dark public feedback
27:35 - The cast of Critical
Role will get their faces on lunch boxes
27:50 - Much to my chagrin, the party can't remember Deborah Ann
Woll's name
28:00 -
Relics And Rarities the new weekly RPG show starting in
February starring Deborah Ann Woll as the DM
30:20 - Do we know anything about ccg's?
30:45 - Keyforge
is a step in... a direction
31:45 - Artifact from
33:15 - Shiv would like to see more games allowing the digital and
physical to interact
35:10 - CCG companies will be hiring more graphic artists and
javascript programmers
35:45 - Savage Prediction "More dense and varied scenery with the
proliferation of 3d printing"
37:45 - Liam guesses that Green Ronin got the Warhammer RPG license
(It was Cubicle 7)
38:10 - Kill
Team will continue to grow
41:45 - Shiv predicts there's a market for personlised
45:58 - Savage is looking forward to the games he doesn't know
46:29 - Shiv wants to see more maker meet ups and play testing