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Talking about Gaming the Irish Way!

Dec 8, 2022

Episode 726

This week's hosts - The Warlord Scarr, The Great & Ponderous Liam & SavageMick

Editor - SavageMick

You got old, you got slow and then you just stopped going. Sound familiar? If you are a game-liker or a certain age I'm sure you can relate but it doesn't have to be that way. Your best years of gaming are ahead of you. Like everything after the Summer years, it's time to game smarter, not harder.
But also harder. 


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The Adventuring Party is released under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share-Alike version 3 licence [ ].

Title card image - Flickr A. Davey
Japanese Checkers - "Go". Elstner Hilton circa 1914-18
Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)