Jul 28, 2009
Downtime: The line or lack thereof between character knowledge becomes the bread in an excuse-to-tell-the-story-of-Dave-not-saying-a-short-sentence-correctly-and-Dizzy-not-drinking-olive-oil sandwich. Without Dave to defend himself, Shane, Liam, humbug and Oisín take on the task. Features:
Jul 21, 2009
Source Material: Attempting to communicate something more constructive than "...and you should see it because yer man's all like hiiiyaaaah peowm peowm kerprgh kprgh and the bad guy's all like whaaaaaaaaaaaa-bowww!" or "...and then the screen goes all dark, right, and up in big letters it says: Jean-Claude Van Damme....
Jul 14, 2009
NPC Exp: Shane and Liam are joined by Seán and Skippy to take a look at the new Codex: Imperial Guard for Warhammer 40,000 - its changes, its new units, its background fluff, its dreams, its desires, its most intimate of intimates. Features:
Jul 7, 2009
Con: A maxed-out Adventuring Party reports on the goings-on at Queens University Belfast's gaming-and-cartoons convention, Q-Con. Features: