Apr 24, 2013
+1 Downtime: The second half of our discussion on player versus player.
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Apr 17, 2013
+1 Con: Sounds like the guys had fun at Itzacon in Galway. The more times the upload hangs, the less interesting this text becomes. Things mentioned in the episode include:
Apr 10, 2013
Downtime: In this first of two parts we talk about the metagame concerns of two players (or characters) wanting to do each other in. Brought to you by a royal rumble of hosts.
Apr 3, 2013
Con: A great big slice of Leprecon for all. Best enjoyed with a nice cup of tea, but watch out for the peanut butter.
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Apr 2, 2013
This week's episode will be delayed, I injured my mouth and internal organs on some Jägermeister last night. Expect the episode tomorrow after my 'too hungover to edit podcast' status has worn off.