Jan 25, 2012
+1 Int: Warpcon still coming up at the end of the month. Yayyyyyy - Warpcon. We take a look at the rest of the stuff that isn't RPGs. Spot the police siren and win a prize.
Jan 18, 2012
Int: Warpcon is coming up at the end of the month. Yayyyyyy - Warpcon. Don't forget to start your gaming early. The only reason you shouldn't be playing an RPG on the bus/train/car is if you're drinking.
Jan 11, 2012
Source Material: If you're one of those people who think that books have a better use than keeping Hitler warm at night, then this episode is for you. 'Cause, eh, we talk about some books that we've read that _you_ might like. Liam provides background coughing.
Jan 4, 2012
Exp: Okay, so a Star Wars MMO isn't strictly 'gaming', but it's close enough. And the episode is on time, so there.