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Talking about Gaming the Irish Way!

Feb 25, 2015

This week's hosts: Liam, Eoin, Humbug

This week we bring you a preview of Irelands oldest convention, Leprecon, now in it's 36th year!

Show notes:

Feb 18, 2015

This week's hosts: Liam, Humbug, Graham and Eoin

Do you like pub quizzes? Do you like money? Then compete in the 6th Annual Adventuring Party Pub Quiz for a fabulous €50 prize! As in, the prize itself is €50 in your local gaming store. Even if you live abroad - we'll sort it out with your local shop. We've...

Feb 11, 2015

This week's hosts: Liam, Eoin, Graham, Humbug

Warpcon, Warpcon; so good they reviewed it twice! Well... split the review episode into two parts, more accurately. Last week we did Friday night through to Saturday afternoon, so this week we get straight in on Saturday evening through to the closing ceremony.


Feb 4, 2015

This week's hosts: Liam, Humbug, Graham and Eoin

Hey hey! It's more than a week since Warpcon, which means we've got to... do something. Maybe talk about it. Talk about our feelings, you know?  Really get it all out there. Get the healing started. Also games and stuff, but who cares about that? How are you doing? You...