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Talking about Gaming the Irish Way!

Nov 28, 2018

This week's hosts: Liam, Shane and Seán

This week, the party discuss the new Fantasy Flight Games Unique card game, Keyforge: Call of the Archons.

Show notes:

Nov 21, 2018

This week's hosts: Seán, Liam, and special guest Mick
This week, the party talk about RPG maps and terrain.

01:00 - It was not, in fact, Liam.
02:03 - As they say in the business, in the "Theatre of the Mind."
02:11 - Take away due to lack of table space, not meanness.
05:21 - Does your system need terrain, can it...

Nov 14, 2018

This week's hosts: Liam and Seán

Special guest: Mick

This week, the party discuss playing boardgames to win versus playing just for fun.

Show notes:

Nov 7, 2018

This week's hosts: Liam, Shiv, Shane, and Ian

This week, the party discuss what to when you feel burned out with gaming.

Show notes:

  • 00:50 - Mental health awareness month
  • 03:00 - Dread
  • 04:55 - Anxiety
  • 08:21 - Not enjoying it
  • 10:30 - Feeling like you are letting people down
  • 11:06 - Try a change
  • 12:02 - And fellow host...