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Talking about Gaming the Irish Way!

Feb 24, 2010

Per: Roaming the night in up to, eh, six or so guises are the members of the Camarilla, White Wolf's ongoing, worldwide LARPs.  Ceire, Boomer and Phil from the Irish Cam contingent join us to give the low-down on just what it's all about, and to spill the beans on whether Dave's actually as much of a badass as we make...

Feb 17, 2010

Int: With mere seconds to spare, Shane, Dave and humbug see what they can find on the Itzacon website to tempt their strange and arcane appetites.  Features:

  • Itzacon
  • Retro-sci-fi aesthetic
  • The Galwegian language
  • Geist: The Sin-Eaters
  • Half-informing you so you don't have to
  • Mystery games
  • Starfleet Special!
  • What year it...

Feb 10, 2010

Con: Shane, Dave and humbug gather and recollect a weekend of debauchery at Warpcon, a con filled with booze, games and booty.  Yarrrr!  Features:

  • Crap junkfood
  • Games starting on time
  • Pub-quiz fuel
  • Chrononauts
  • Second place is first loser
  • Good Golden Axe questions
  • The smartphone club
  • Insufficient kazoos
  • Booty!
  • Normal...

Feb 3, 2010

Cha: LIVE from Warpcon (all our podcasts are recorded live), Shane, Liam and humbug haul people from the timetable to the recording table and make them talk for your gratification.  Alessio Cavatore is the head behind Shuuro, the game that takes chess to new places, and the crew of Terrains4Games are making high-quality...

Change of release day

Feb 2, 2010

As of this week (the new year!), the podcast will be dropping on Wednesdays instead of Tuesdays.  It's to do with scheduling issues with real life and all that.  See y'all tomorrow...