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Talking about Gaming the Irish Way!

Sep 25, 2019

Episode 559

This week's hosts: Shane, Eoin and Savage

This week the party break out the character sheets and raise our shields to Pathfinder 2nd Edition. We have had a chance to sample the unique races and classes offered in this revised edition and sit down to share our thoughts on this intriguing remix of old and new...

Sep 18, 2019

Episode 558

This week's hosts: Shane, Eoin and Savage

This week the party slip on the rose-tinted goggles +1 (No effect) and take a look back at one of the most devisive editions of Dungeons & Dragons - 4th Ed. Was it a move in the right direction or a departure to parts unknown? Did it leave a lasting mark or has it...

Sep 11, 2019

Episode 557

This week's hosts: Shane, Eoin, and Savage

This week the party are gathering around the conference table to draft a memo about running an organisation in a tabletop RPG. What aspects of being part of something bigger appeal and to whom? When is the extra effort of drafting an org chart and assigning...

Sep 4, 2019

Episode 556

This week's hosts: Shane, Eoin, and Savage

This week the party sit down to talk about RPG skill systems. Whether you spend your points or eke out an extra percentage almost every system tackles the measure of aptitude and learning in similar ways. What are we carrying forward as learned behaviours and when...