Aug 26, 2023
The Adventuring Party - Episode 761
This week's hosts: Shane and Dave
Editor – Shane
This week, The Party discuss campaign settings, and whether to spend months making one or to build one as the players charge forward.
Want to actually shout at us? Go to SpeakPipe and tell us how you really...
Aug 19, 2023
Episode 760
This week's hosts - Hida-O-Win, Warlord Scarr, SavageMick
Special Guest Appearance - The Question
Editor - SavageMick
En Guard! We dive head-first into the intricacies of rolling dice
the see what order we roll dice! Oh what joy!
But wait (or delay your action), what if there are good reasons to
pop that...
Aug 12, 2023
The Adventuring Party - Episode 759
This week's hosts: Shane, Dave, and Eoin
Editor – Shane
This week, The Party discuss difficulty in RPGs, who determines it, and whether it matters.
Want to actually shout at us? Go to SpeakPipe and tell us how you really feel. We might use a clip of your...
Aug 3, 2023
Episode 758
This week's hosts - Hida-O-Win, Warlord Scarr, SavageMick
Guest Host - Xaosseed
Editor - SavageMick
Back to Base-ics!
We are joined by the based Xaosseed to take another go at storming
the ramparts of bases and base-building in RPGs.