Apr 28, 2021
Episode 642
This week's hosts: SavageMick, Whiskey and Precession.
Topics - Live Action Roleplay on ships and boats & Battletech/Mechwarrior
Editor - SavageMick
We have a Discord Server and it rocks! Get in here! [ https://discord.gg/VW6NUJe ]
Find us on Facebook here, leave a Thumbs Up and we...
Apr 21, 2021
Episode 641
Hosts: Seam, Scarr, Eoin and Savage
Editor: Scarr
This week, the Party podcastvolve to a high enough tier to take on the latest CCG based on that cartoon your mother thinks is 'Pokeyman'.
Want to actually shout at us? Go to SpeakPipe and tell us how you really feel. We might use a...
Apr 14, 2021
The Adventuring Party - Episode 640
This week's hosts: Graham, Hida O-Win, Shane, Seán & Savage Mick
Editor - Savage Mick
Ahem... SPOILERS!!!
This week the party talk about what we like, don't like, just don't understand, or may never forgive about the DnD5E campaign from WoTC and Green...
Apr 8, 2021
The Adventuring Party - Episode 639
This week's hosts: Graham, Liam, Scarr, and Hida ‘Eoin’ O-win
Editor - Scarr
This week, The Party discuss ownership of your game table: How much control does the GM really have, and how much damage can the players do if...
Apr 7, 2021
Hi folks,
Time got a little away from us this week, so expect an episode of the podcast later tonight.