May 27, 2020
TAP 593 - Soulbound Review
This week the party takes a look at the Warhammer-Age of Sigmar roleplaying game Soulbound from Cubicle 7 Entertainment.
Want to actually shout at us? Go to SpeakPipe and tell us how you really feel. We might use a clip of your message in future shows so get ready to be super...
May 20, 2020
TAP 592 - Risk & Failure
This week the party talk about risk and failure in your game. Players - How do you deal with a set-back to your plans or even worse, losing a fight? GMs - What do you do to keep your game on track when players fail or end up dead? Stay tuned to find out!
Want to actually shout...
May 13, 2020
This week's hosts: Shiv, Savage and Shane
This week, the party discuss the Medieval period, and how it was more interesting that it's usually given credit for.
Show notes:
00:45: ‘A Hector of Grain’
01:13: ‘The well from which we mine the mind-silver of our generic fantasy’ - Truly, the world was...
May 6, 2020
This week's hosts: Eoin, Savage and Shane
This week, the party discuss NPCs in RPGs, and why they just can’t get any danged respect.
Show notes:
01:45: Starting off with some shocking truths
03:00: Eoin starts by blaming bad players
04:00: We’re already on the flipside: The NPC who gets too...