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Talking about Gaming the Irish Way!

Jun 23, 2021

Episode 650

This week's hosts: Hida O-Win, Scarr & SavageMick

Editor - SavageMick

You know we are out of good ideas when SavageMick seizes the topic wheel! (Don't worry, we still have lots of bad ideas.) This week the party flip through the proto-Core Book and ask a few pointed questions about why RPG systems are...

Jun 17, 2021

The Adventuring Party - Episode 649

This week's hosts: Hida O-Win, Scarr, and Liam

Editor – Scarr

Apologies for the delay, folks.

This week, The Party discuss unusual RPG characters, why one might want to try something outside the regular, and what the pitfalls might be.


Want to actually...

Jun 9, 2021

Episode 648

This week's hosts: Warlord Scarr & Hida O-Win

Editor - SavageMick

This week the closest thing we have to Tango & Cash, Scarr and Hida, lay out their predictions for a probably-not-coming-any-time-soon sixth edition of the World's Greatest Most Popular Roleplaying Game. Is there any further improvement to...

Jun 3, 2021

The Adventuring Party - Episode 647

This week's hosts: Hida O-Win, Scarr, and Liam

Editor – Scarr

This week, The Party discuss the dichotomy between magic always working, while ‘realistic’ abilities keep being questioned.


Want to actually shout at us? Go to SpeakPipe and tell us how you...

Episode Delay

Jun 2, 2021

Sorry folks, we're going to have to push back this weeks episode. Expect good stuff on Thursday morning.