Nov 25, 2020
Episode 620
This week's hosts: HidaOwin, Scarr and SavageMick
Editor - SavageMick
This week the party takes a look at how you might use the DnD 5e rules for things other than genre fantasy. The wheels fall off that fairly quickly but luckily Scarr has some recommendations for alternatives.
Nov 18, 2020
The Adventuring Party - Episode 617
This week's hosts: Scarr, Savage Mick, 'Hida' Eoin, 'Mister' Colin 'E', and Liam.
Editor - Scarr
This week, we're on to Round 3 of the Bracket Fight. The ranks are thinning and the remaining combatants are squaring up to thin them even more.
Nov 11, 2020
Episode 618
This week's hosts: SavageMick, Time and Jazz.
Guests: Séan, to discuss DnD Essentials Kit, and Shane (Scarr) to get us up to speed on the world of Gunpla.
Editor - SavageMick
Want to actually shout at us? Go to SpeakPipe and tell us how you really feel. We might use a clip of your...
Nov 4, 2020
The Adventuring Party - Episode 617
This week's hosts: Scarr, Savage Mick, and Gavin
Editor - Scarr
This week, the party come clean about our dark secret. Sometimes, we don’t use....all of the rules.
Show notes:
01:00: Whoops, dating our recording a little.
01;59: Savage is clearly a fan of the New Normal.
03:11: That...