Jul 25, 2012
+1 Exp: Thanks to Eoin's friend for giving him a copy of Space Alert, 'cause it means we got to play and review it! It's one of those players vs. the game type games, and it comes with a CD of a computer alert voice telling you when the next thing is going to be happening. A few bits of enthusiastic table jiggling show...
Jul 18, 2012
Exp: Plucked for your review-listening pleasure is Penny Arcade The Game: Gamers vs. Evil. And after that it's balls, balls and more balls! We have a look at a quick game called triball. Plucked like an apple, not like a chicken.
Jul 11, 2012
Int: Brocon 2012 is coming up in the middle of July, and we have a look at what's going on. Recorded a couple of weeks ago, so their website is probably even more up to date and full of information.
Jul 4, 2012
Con: Q-Con is massive. GravityxInertiaxCosplayxGaming make a great convention up in Belfast. These guy are probably pulling up statistics and ledgers and log books and things and working on next year already!